Home > Iowa > Ottumwa, IA > Home Improvement 4 Less

Home Improvement 4 Less
211 Vogel Ave, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
Call 515-577-9477

Business Name:Home Improvement 4 Less
Contact Person:
Year Founded:2003
Web Address:-
Service:Doors; We offer construction, design, and consulting for home, office, Residential roofing, Commercial roofing, Residential siding,Sheetrock, Custom fireplace w/ hearth and mantel design, laminate flooring, ceramic tile floors, countertops, Kitchen and Bath room Remodeling, Cabinet re-facing, Custom Kohler multi head shower systems, From handyman to complete home-remodel, We love a design challenge too. We can serve your every need. No job is too big or too small. Give us a call... It's free!
Served Areas:Ottumwa, IA districts
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?Yes
Senior Discount?10%
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Home Improvement 4 Less: Home Improvement 4 Less simply saves you money. In this economy we are all getting LESS and spending MORE. WHY? It's called "The Cost Of Doing Business"or "OVERHEAD. i.e. Trucks, Trailers, Offices/ Warehouse's. So... When you see companies with new trucks and so on You are the one paying for it..SOLUTION. I sold the overhead...So now you SAVE THOUSANDS by only paying for Materials and Labor and ZERO overhead which allows us to do your work efficiently, cleanly, and with minimal cost to you. We pride our company in being able to offer you top-quality product at a reasonable price. Just ask my customers. I can save you hundres to thousands on your project. At Home Improvement 4 Less We're not out to get rich, Just stay busy.Give us a call for a FREE consult!...

Home Improvement 4 Less is located at 211 Vogel Ave Ottumwa, IA 52501. Please call at 515-577-9477 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

Home Improvement 4 Less began to serve the community in 2003. The areas it serves include Ottumwa, IA districts.

Its office number is 515-577-9477. Home Improvement 4 Less does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does Home Improvement 4 Less offer?

Home Improvement 4 Less offers services such as Doors; We offer construction, design, and consulting for home, office, Residential roofing, Commercial roofing, Residential siding,Sheetrock, Custom fireplace w/ hearth and mantel design, laminate flooring, ceramic tile floors, countertops, Kitchen and Bath room Remodeling, Cabinet re-facing, Custom Kohler multi head shower systems, From handyman to complete home-remodel, We love a design challenge too. We can serve your every need. No job is too big or too small. Give us a call... It's free!.

What areas or cities does Home Improvement 4 Less serve?

The areas Home Improvement 4 Less serves include Ottumwa, IA districts.

What are Home Improvement 4 Less's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Home Improvement 4 Less offer free estimates?

Yes, Home Improvement 4 Less does offer free estimates. It will give an approximate calculation of the cost to complete the project, provided free of charge to the prospective client.

Does Home Improvement 4 Less offer warranty?

Yes, Home Improvement 4 Less offer warranty.

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