Home > Illinois > Crystal Lake, IL > Benjamin Brothers Construction

Benjamin Brothers Construction
2520 Il-176, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
Call 847-533-5505

Business Name:Benjamin Brothers Construction
Contact Person:
Year Founded:2015
Web Address:-
Served Areas:Crystal Lake, IL districts
Warranty:Call for details
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?No
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Benjamin Brothers Construction: GAF MASTER ELITE CERTIFIED! (award GAF only gives to top 2% of contractors so we can provide 25yr labor warranty & a 50yr material warranty, both backed by GAF, the largest manufacturer of residential & commercial roofing in North America!) Call 847-533-5505 or email: info@benjaminbrothers.com to get a FREE ESTIMATE FOR A FULL ROOF OR SIDING REPLACEMENT. We specialize in exterior construction including Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Skylights, Soffit & Fascia. Angie's List Service Award Winner, Licensed, Bonded, & Insured. We have over 50 years of combined construction experience and have a ton of references from past customers throughout the Chicagoland area who can attest to the quality of our work and attention that we pay to detail--We'll treat your home like it's ours! We also give FREE STORM/HAIL DAMAGE INSPECTIONS and we have worked with all of the major insurance providers to help get insurance claims approved for free hail damage replacement. Illinois Unlimited Roofing Lic. #104.017244 (residential or commercial).

Benjamin Brothers Construction is located at 2520 Il-176 Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Please call at 847-533-5505 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

Benjamin Brothers Construction began to serve the community in 2015. The areas it serves include Crystal Lake, IL districts.

Its office number is 847-533-5505. You can reach Benjamin Brothers Construction by email address: info(at)benjaminbrothers.com. Benjamin Brothers Construction does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does Benjamin Brothers Construction offer?

Benjamin Brothers Construction offers services such as Roofing.

What areas or cities does Benjamin Brothers Construction serve?

The areas Benjamin Brothers Construction serves include Crystal Lake, IL districts.

What are Benjamin Brothers Construction's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Benjamin Brothers Construction offer free estimates?

No, Benjamin Brothers Construction does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.

Does Benjamin Brothers Construction offer warranty?

Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact Benjamin Brothers Construction for more information.

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