Barnes, Dr. Robert D 840 State Road 930 E, New Haven, Indiana 46774 | Call (260) 493-6508 Robert Barnes - |
Business Name: | Barnes, Dr. Robert D | Contact Person: | Robert Barnes | Phone: | (260) 493-6508 | Year Founded: | | Web Address: | - | Service: | Pediatrician | Served Areas: | New Haven, IN districts | Warranty: | Call for details | Licensed? | n.a. | Free Estimate? | No | Senior Discount? | No | Excluded Service: | No | Schedule: | Call us |
About Barnes, Dr. Robert D: To see if this provider is board certified go to There is 1 doctor at this site. Surgery is not performed at this site. Barnes, Dr. Robert D is located at 840 State Road 930 E New Haven, IN 46774. Please call Robert Barnes at (260) 493-6508 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license. The areas it serves include New Haven, IN districts. Its office number is (260) 493-6508. Barnes, Dr. Robert D does not have a web site in our record. claim or edit listing | add your listing
What services does Barnes, Dr. Robert D offer?
Barnes, Dr. Robert D offers services such as Pediatrician.
What areas or cities does Barnes, Dr. Robert D serve?
The areas Barnes, Dr. Robert D serves include New Haven, IN districts.
What are Barnes, Dr. Robert D's operating hours?
Call us.
Does Barnes, Dr. Robert D offer free estimates?
No, Barnes, Dr. Robert D does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.
Does Barnes, Dr. Robert D offer warranty?
Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact Barnes, Dr. Robert D for more information.
1. Above All Property Management Solutions LLC, Call now: 260-702-1498 10637 Seiler Rd New Haven, IN 46774 | 260-702-1498 New Haven, IN | | 2. All-Angles Inc, Borchelt, Ben Call Borchelt, Ben now: (260) 433-1422 5333 Thimlar Rd New Haven, IN 46774 | (260) 433-1422 New Haven, IN | | 3. Ben Schmucker Construction LLP, Call now: 260-493-9111 12808 Parent Rd New Haven, IN 46774 | 260-493-9111 New Haven, IN | | 4. Byers Construction Inc, Call now: 260-749-9319 17001 Edgerton Rd New Haven, IN 46774 | 260-749-9319 New Haven, IN | | 5. Cobb's Tree Trimming And Removal, Call now: 260-750-5900 935 Georgian Dr New Haven, IN 46774 | 260-750-5900 New Haven, IN | |