Home > Minnesota > Duluth, MN > Phil's Garage Door Svc

Phil's Garage Door Svc
5962 N Tischer Rd, Duluth, Minnesota 55804
Call 218-525-7654

Business Name:Phil's Garage Door Svc
Contact Person:
Year Founded:1995
Web Address:-
Service:Doors; Service & repair all brands of commercial or residential garage doors and garage door operators & openers and offer 24-hour Emergency Service, furnish and install new garage doors (Wayne Dalton or Amarr), operators, awnings (Sunsetter), install products customer's purchased.
Served Areas:Duluth, MN districts
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?Yes - New Doors only
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Phil's Garage Door Svc: Company has been serving Commercial and Residential customers in the northern MN and northern WI areas for over 20 years. We service/repair/install ALL brands of garage doors and garage door operators/openers. We offer 24-hour Emergency Service. Company is a Distributor/Dealer for Wayne Dalton Garage Doors, Amarr Garage Doors and Sunsetter Awnings or one of our Technicians could install a product the Customer has purchased....

Phil's Garage Door Svc is located at 5962 N Tischer Rd Duluth, MN 55804. Please call at 218-525-7654 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

Phil's Garage Door Svc began to serve the community in 1995. The areas it serves include Duluth, MN districts.

Its office number is 218-525-7654. Phil's Garage Door Svc does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does Phil's Garage Door Svc offer?

Phil's Garage Door Svc offers services such as Doors; Service & repair all brands of commercial or residential garage doors and garage door operators & openers and offer 24-hour Emergency Service, furnish and install new garage doors (Wayne Dalton or Amarr), operators, awnings (Sunsetter), install products customer's purchased.

What areas or cities does Phil's Garage Door Svc serve?

The areas Phil's Garage Door Svc serves include Duluth, MN districts.

What are Phil's Garage Door Svc's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Phil's Garage Door Svc offer free estimates?

Please call Phil's Garage Door Svc to confirm whether free estimates are offered.

Does Phil's Garage Door Svc offer warranty?

Yes, Phil's Garage Door Svc offer warranty.

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