Henry Harms Painting co. 1947 Meadow Trails Dr., Florissant, Missouri 63031 | Call 314-852-4216 - |
Business Name: | Henry Harms Painting co. | Contact Person: | | Phone: | 314-852-4216 | Year Founded: | 1993 | Web Address: | - | Service: | Exterior painting; Provide excellent services int.and ext. in prepping, priming, painting new and old drywall, plaster. Ceilings, walls and trim any color. Power wash and stain decks, fences, siding. Also strip wall paper, boarders. Repair drywall as well as hang it. | Served Areas: | Florissant, MO regions | Warranty: | Yes | Licensed? | Call for details | Free Estimate? | Yes | Senior Discount? | Yes | Excluded Service: | No | Schedule: | Call us |
About Henry Harms Painting co.: We are a fun laid back family owned company with almost twenty years servicing all parts of Stl.county. We're reliable, dependable, honest and trustworthy individuals who take pride in our work as well as pride in developing a long standing relationship with our customers. ... Henry Harms Painting co. is located at 1947 Meadow Trails Dr. Florissant, MO 63031. Please call at 314-852-4216 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license. Henry Harms Painting co. began to serve the community in 1993. The areas it serves include Florissant, MO regions. Its office number is 314-852-4216. Henry Harms Painting co. does not have a web site in our record. claim or edit listing | add your listing
What services does Henry Harms Painting co. offer?
Henry Harms Painting co. offers services such as Exterior painting; Provide excellent services int.and ext. in prepping, priming, painting new and old drywall, plaster. Ceilings, walls and trim any color. Power wash and stain decks, fences, siding. Also strip wall paper, boarders. Repair drywall as well as hang it.
What areas or cities does Henry Harms Painting co. serve?
The areas Henry Harms Painting co. serves include Florissant, MO regions.
What are Henry Harms Painting co.'s operating hours?
Call us.
Does Henry Harms Painting co. offer free estimates?
Yes, Henry Harms Painting co. does offer free estimates. It will give an approximate calculation of the cost to complete the project, provided free of charge to the prospective client.
Does Henry Harms Painting co. offer warranty?
Yes, Henry Harms Painting co. offer warranty.
1. Abbey Heating & Cooling, Call now: 314-280-3007 200 Humes Lane Florissant, MO 63031 | 314-280-3007 Florissant, MO | | 2. Abbey Heating & Cooling, Call now: 314-280-3007 200 Humes Lane Florissant, MO 63031 | 314-280-3007 Florissant, MO | | 3. Absolute Clean, Call now: 314-327-5745 895 Babler Dr Florissant, MO 63031 | 314-327-5745 Florissant, MO | | 4. Adair Roofing, Adair, Rich Call Adair, Rich now: 1380 Leisure Dr Florissant, MO 63031 | Florissant, MO | | 5. Advanced Moving Systems, Arinze, Chinedu Call Arinze, Chinedu now: (314) 830-3707 7220 N Linbergh Florissant, MO 63031 | (314) 830-3707 Florissant, MO | |