Home > New York > Deer Park, NY > 631 Construction Inc

631 Construction Inc
323 Skidmores Rd, Deer Park, New York 11729
Call 631-661-2900

Business Name:631 Construction Inc
Contact Person:
Year Founded:
Web Address:-
Service:electrical; Services Offered Services Not Offered Ask for details General InformationEmergency ServiceNoAll statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our Find Licensing Requirements page. Similar businesses in your area... Del Core Electric & HVAC Inc A 15 REVIEWS MARRA ELECTRIC A 185 REVIEWS RJD Electrical A 6 REVIEWS Fielack Electric Corp A 195 REVIEWS
Served Areas:Deer Park, NY regions
Warranty:Call for details
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?No
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About 631 Construction Inc:

631 Construction Inc is located at 323 Skidmores Rd Deer Park, NY 11729. Please call at 631-661-2900 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

The areas it serves include Deer Park, NY regions.

Its office number is 631-661-2900. 631 Construction Inc does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does 631 Construction Inc offer?

631 Construction Inc offers services such as electrical; Services Offered Services Not Offered Ask for details General InformationEmergency ServiceNoAll statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our Find Licensing Requirements page. Similar businesses in your area... Del Core Electric & HVAC Inc A 15 REVIEWS MARRA ELECTRIC A 185 REVIEWS RJD Electrical A 6 REVIEWS Fielack Electric Corp A 195 REVIEWS.

What areas or cities does 631 Construction Inc serve?

The areas 631 Construction Inc serves include Deer Park, NY regions.

What are 631 Construction Inc's operating hours?

Call us.

Does 631 Construction Inc offer free estimates?

No, 631 Construction Inc does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.

Does 631 Construction Inc offer warranty?

Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact 631 Construction Inc for more information.

1. 631 Construction Inc,
Call now: 631-661-2900
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