Home > Ohio > New Albany, OH > Schuen, Dr. Wendy D

Schuen, Dr. Wendy D
5040 Forest Dr, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Call (614) 775-9000 Wendy Diane Schuen

Business Name:Schuen, Dr. Wendy D
Contact Person: Wendy Diane Schuen
Phone:(614) 775-9000
Year Founded:1995
Web Address:www.advdermssc.com
Served Areas:New Albany, OH and surrounding areas
Warranty:Call for details
Free Estimate?No
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Mon 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Tue 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Wed 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Thu 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, By Appointment
About Schuen, Dr. Wendy D: Treating all diseases and disorders of the skin, hair and nails including acne, warts, psoriasis, eczema, moles, skin tags, skin cancer, hairloss and fungal infections. Caring for all age groups, from the newborns to the elderly.

Schuen, Dr. Wendy D is located at 5040 Forest Dr New Albany, OH 43054. Please call Wendy Diane Schuen at (614) 775-9000 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

Schuen, Dr. Wendy D began to serve the community in 1995. The areas it serves include New Albany, OH and surrounding areas. The towns and cities it serves include New Albany. Amlin, Ashville, Baltimore, Berwick, Bexley, Blacklick, Bloomingburg, Brice, Briggsdale, Caledonia, Canal Winchester, Cardington, Centerburg, Circleville, Clintonville, Columbus - Downtown, Danville, Darbydale, Delaware, Delaware County, Dublin, Fairfield County, Fayette County, Franklinton, Fredericktown, Gahanna, Galena, Galloway, Gambier, German Village, Grandview, Granville, Grove City, Groveport, Harrisburg, Heath, Hebron, Hilliard.

Its office number is (614) 775-9000. You could learn more information about Schuen, Dr. Wendy D at its website: www.advdermssc.com.

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What services does Schuen, Dr. Wendy D offer?

Schuen, Dr. Wendy D offers services such as Dermatologist.

What areas or cities does Schuen, Dr. Wendy D serve?

The areas Schuen, Dr. Wendy D serves include New Albany, OH and surrounding areas. The cities Schuen, Dr. Wendy D serves include Amlin, Ashville, Baltimore, Berwick, Bexley, Blacklick, Bloomingburg, Brice, Briggsdale, Caledonia, Canal Winchester, Cardington, Centerburg, Circleville, Clintonville, Columbus - Downtown, Danville, Darbydale, Delaware, Delaware County, Dublin, Fairfield County, Fayette County, Franklinton, Fredericktown, Gahanna, Galena, Galloway, Gambier, German Village, Grandview, Granville, Grove City, Groveport, Harrisburg, Heath, Hebron, Hilliard.

What are Schuen, Dr. Wendy D's operating hours?

Mon 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Tue 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Wed 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Thu 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, By Appointment.

Does Schuen, Dr. Wendy D offer free estimates?

No, Schuen, Dr. Wendy D does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.

Does Schuen, Dr. Wendy D offer warranty?

Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact Schuen, Dr. Wendy D for more information.

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