About Advanced Coatings Technology: Advanced polymer liquid applied roof coating for all flat roofs. Replaces rubber etc. Continuous spray applied coating goes around duct work etc. to be a hi-performance membrane. Good for twenty-five years under ponding water. Used on homes,gas station canopies. mall roofs any flat or slitely pitched roof. Non-polluting, water clean up. no down time, no costly tear-off. Repair any leaks the coat roof. White coating saves 45% on electric bills.Expands and contracts under various climatic conditions without de-grading.Thirty years in business from Maine to Florida. Coat with our patented Lock-On System and forget roofing problems. Government Rebate available also.
Advanced Coatings Technology is located at 950 Blue Rock Ln Blue Bell, PA 19422. Please call at 215-275-8963 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.
The areas it serves include Blue Bell, PA regions.
Its office number is 215-275-8963. Advanced Coatings Technology does not have a web site in our record.
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