Home > South Carolina > North Charleston, SC > Five Star Contracting LLC

Five Star Contracting LLC
7698 Haywood St, North Charleston, South Carolina 29418
Call 504-470-5835

Business Name:Five Star Contracting LLC
Contact Person:
Year Founded:
Web Address:-
Served Areas:North Charleston, SC and surrounding areas
Warranty:Call for details
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?No
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Five Star Contracting LLC: Five Star Contracting Offers You Panel Upgrades, Lighting Upgrades , Wiring Upgrade , Additions, Fans, Receptacles We Do It All We Service Residential & Commercial, Renovation, Contact Us For All Your Needs Will Take Care Of Them We Been 25 years In The Industry We Are Owner Operated

Five Star Contracting LLC is located at 7698 Haywood St North Charleston, SC 29418. Please call at 504-470-5835 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

The areas it serves include North Charleston, SC and surrounding areas.

Its office number is 504-470-5835. Five Star Contracting LLC does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does Five Star Contracting LLC offer?

Five Star Contracting LLC offers services such as Roofing.

What areas or cities does Five Star Contracting LLC serve?

The areas Five Star Contracting LLC serves include North Charleston, SC and surrounding areas.

What are Five Star Contracting LLC's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Five Star Contracting LLC offer free estimates?

No, Five Star Contracting LLC does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.

Does Five Star Contracting LLC offer warranty?

Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact Five Star Contracting LLC for more information.

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