About 1984: Hello! My name is Mac, I'm a Maintenance Technician offering Handy-Man & Cleaning services as well as some General Contracting services at an excellent price! Any jobs not listed that you need help getting done in your home, please contact me for a quote. No matter how big or small, I am here to help! I am negotiable, so please feel free to contact and we can chat. Contact me by phone or email: Mac Hardin (206) 379-4701 vread33@gmail.com Thank You!
1984 is located at 12300 Ambaum Blvd SW Seattle, WA 98146. Please call at 206-379-4701 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.
The areas it serves include Seattle, WA districts.
Its office number is 206-379-4701. 1984 does not have a web site in our record.
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