Home > Wisconsin > Oconomowoc, WI > Roval Painting

Roval Painting
N63W37849 Vista Dr, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066
Call 262-853-8867

Business Name:Roval Painting
Contact Person:
Year Founded:1996
Web Address:-
Service:Exterior painting; Drywall patch & repair & either smooth finish or a regular sand texture rolled not sprayed . Wood work stained or enameled . Drywall primer & latex or oil paints for interior of buildings , exterior work all surfaces from wood to metals . wall paper & vinyl wall coverings removal &Applying house & commercial building . Spraying of enamels to paints to clear wood finishes can be performed . Union trained for commercial work . deck washing & staining solid color & semi transparent .
Served Areas:Oconomowoc, WI and surrounding areas
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?Yes
Senior Discount?10%
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Roval Painting: I am a owner operator of my bis. & have one employee and some times a helper on call . The areas I have work in are commercial & residential buildings . The types of payments are cash or Check . I am union trained & have been in Business since 1996 . We are Insured & Bonded for either interior or Exterior . Would be an honor to transform new looks to your home per your colors you pick . Look forward to working with you ....

Roval Painting is located at N63W37849 Vista Dr Oconomowoc, WI 53066. Please call at 262-853-8867 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

Roval Painting began to serve the community in 1996. The areas it serves include Oconomowoc, WI and surrounding areas.

Its office number is 262-853-8867. Roval Painting does not have a web site in our record.

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What services does Roval Painting offer?

Roval Painting offers services such as Exterior painting; Drywall patch & repair & either smooth finish or a regular sand texture rolled not sprayed . Wood work stained or enameled . Drywall primer & latex or oil paints for interior of buildings , exterior work all surfaces from wood to metals . wall paper & vinyl wall coverings removal &Applying house & commercial building . Spraying of enamels to paints to clear wood finishes can be performed . Union trained for commercial work . deck washing & staining solid color & semi transparent .

What areas or cities does Roval Painting serve?

The areas Roval Painting serves include Oconomowoc, WI and surrounding areas.

What are Roval Painting's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Roval Painting offer free estimates?

Yes, Roval Painting does offer free estimates. It will give an approximate calculation of the cost to complete the project, provided free of charge to the prospective client.

Does Roval Painting offer warranty?

Yes, Roval Painting offer warranty.

1. Aasen Heating & Cooling,
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2. Alianza Landscaping,
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3. Andersen Painting,
Call now: 262-567-4754
39628 Valley Rd Oconomowoc, WI 53066
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4. Approved LLC,
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5. Aqua Care Services, Inc.,
Call now: 262-567-8362
39785 W. Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, WI 53066
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