Baker Painting Co W271N4780 Greenhill Ct, Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072 | Call 262-719-4299 - |
Business Name: | Baker Painting Co | Contact Person: | | Phone: | 262-719-4299 | Year Founded: | 1999 | Web Address: | - | Service: | Exterior painting; Exterior painting & staining, Interior painting & staining, Custom woodwork finishes, Faux finishing, Woodworking, Drywall repair, Wallpaper removal, Gutter cleaning, Gutter Protection. | Served Areas: | Pewaukee, WI and surrounding areas | Warranty: | Yes | Licensed? | Call for details | Free Estimate? | Yes | Senior Discount? | No | Excluded Service: | No | Schedule: | Call us |
About Baker Painting Co: Baker Painting Company has provided custom painting, painter and staining services in Waukesha County and the surrounding areas since 1997. Conforming to the highest standards in professionalism, our company focus is professionally managed residential and commercial properties, new construction, residential and commercial improvements and more. With the goal of providing clients with the highest level of integrity, specialized skills and workmanship, Baker Painting Company has built its reputation on attention to detail and client satisfaction. These high standards of customer care have personified the Baker name with quality.... Baker Painting Co is located at W271N4780 Greenhill Ct Pewaukee, WI 53072. Please call at 262-719-4299 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license. Baker Painting Co began to serve the community in 1999. The areas it serves include Pewaukee, WI and surrounding areas. Its office number is 262-719-4299. Baker Painting Co does not have a web site in our record. claim or edit listing | add your listing
What services does Baker Painting Co offer?
Baker Painting Co offers services such as Exterior painting; Exterior painting & staining, Interior painting & staining, Custom woodwork finishes, Faux finishing, Woodworking, Drywall repair, Wallpaper removal, Gutter cleaning, Gutter Protection.
What areas or cities does Baker Painting Co serve?
The areas Baker Painting Co serves include Pewaukee, WI and surrounding areas.
What are Baker Painting Co's operating hours?
Call us.
Does Baker Painting Co offer free estimates?
Yes, Baker Painting Co does offer free estimates. It will give an approximate calculation of the cost to complete the project, provided free of charge to the prospective client.
Does Baker Painting Co offer warranty?
Yes, Baker Painting Co offer warranty.
1. Able Carpet Cleaners, Skotzke, Keith Call Skotzke, Keith now: (262) 391-5936 PO Box 722 Pewaukee, WI 53072 | (262) 391-5936 Pewaukee, WI | | 2. Absolute business contractors, Call now: 414-331-3088 1027 Ridgeway Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 | 414-331-3088 Pewaukee, WI | | 3. Absolute business contractors, Call now: 414-331-3088 1027 Ridgeway Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 | 414-331-3088 Pewaukee, WI | | 4. Ace Hardware, Call now: 262-695-8990 1268 Capitol Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 | 262-695-8990 Pewaukee, WI | | 5. Ace Hardware, Call now: 262-695-8990 1268 Capitol Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 | 262-695-8990 Pewaukee, WI | |