Home > Wisconsin > Waunakee, WI > Bakke Chiropractic Clinic

Bakke Chiropractic Clinic
612 E Main St, Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597
Call 608-849-9014Ngfe Efvc

Business Name:Bakke Chiropractic Clinic
Contact Person:Ngfe Efvc
Year Founded:
Web Address:http://www.bakkechiropractic.com/
Service:Chiropractors, Health & Wellness Centers, Massage Therapy
Served Areas:Waunakee, WI districts
Warranty:Call for details
Licensed?Call for details
Free Estimate?No
Senior Discount?No
Excluded Service:No
Schedule: Call us
About Bakke Chiropractic Clinic: When it comes to chiropractic care, you want to find an establishment you can trust. In De Forest, Sun Prairie, Waunakee, and Lodi,WI, that establishment is Bakke Chiropractic Clinic. With over 65years of experience serving their communities, Bakke Chiropractic Clinic has become the area's leading chiropractic company. At Bakke Chiropractic Clinic their mission is creating lasting partnerships with their patients. Together, doctor and patient can establish a comprehensive care program that is safe, effective, and catered specifically to individual needs. Throughout their fourlocations, Bakke Chiropractic Clinic staffs tenfriendly and experienced doctors. Their team is skilled in treating everything from sports injuries to chronic pain and nerve-related conditions or injuries. Best of all, the doctors at Bakke Chiropractic Clinic can treat you without using invasive techniques or medication. Beyond their holistic, hands-on approach to chiropractic care, Bakke Chiropractic Clinic also offers a myriad of services to improve your wellness and quality of life including: Corrective Exercises Lifestyle Advice Nutritional Counseling Massage Therapy Spinal Postural Screenings If you live near De Forest, WI, and you're looking for an excellent chiropractor that can cure your herniated disc or soothe injuries with massage therapy, call Bakke Chiropractic Clinic today at (608) 846-3333 to schedule your appointment. You can call (608) 837-7600 to reach their office in Sun Prairie,(608) 849-9014 for their office in Waunakee, or(608) 592-1400to get in touch with the Lodi office. Don't forget to visit their website for more information on their doctors, services, and what to expect on your first visit.

Bakke Chiropractic Clinic is located at 612 E Main St Waunakee, WI 53597. Please call Ngfe Efvc at 608-849-9014 for more information about their service, office hours, warranty and license.

The areas it serves include Waunakee, WI districts. The towns and cities it serves include Waunakee. Waunakee.

Its office number is 608-849-9014. You can reach Bakke Chiropractic Clinic by email address: bakkec65@yopmail.com. You could learn more information about Bakke Chiropractic Clinic at its website: http://www.bakkechiropractic.com/.

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What services does Bakke Chiropractic Clinic offer?

Bakke Chiropractic Clinic offers services such as Chiropractors, Health & Wellness Centers, Massage Therapy.

What areas or cities does Bakke Chiropractic Clinic serve?

The areas Bakke Chiropractic Clinic serves include Waunakee, WI districts. The cities Bakke Chiropractic Clinic serves include Waunakee.

What are Bakke Chiropractic Clinic's operating hours?

Call us.

Does Bakke Chiropractic Clinic offer free estimates?

No, Bakke Chiropractic Clinic does not offer free estimates. It may charge for calculation of the cost to complte the project, but the charge could be deducted from the final cost if you choose the service.

Does Bakke Chiropractic Clinic offer warranty?

Warranty details are available upon request. Please contact Bakke Chiropractic Clinic for more information.

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